Hello again Tribemates!
Its Spring! What better way to celebrate beautiful skies, warmer weather, chirping birds, and cute little bugs, than with free printable math activities??

I have two cute freebies for you today: Skip Counting Bug Puzzles, and Counting Bugs in a Jar. These activities are geared towards preschool and kindergarten learners and work on number sense and numeration.
First up to bat:
Skip Counting Bug Puzzles!
These puzzles are low prep and will give your learner an opportunity to count forward by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s.
Practicing numeration and number sense with skip counting activities helps with increasing a learner’s addition, subtraction, and will later help with multiplication and division… and even with counting money!
This free set of skip counting bug puzzles includes 4 different puzzles.
Counting Forward By 1s

Skip Counting By 2s

Counting Forward By 5s

Skip Counting By 10s

To start engaging with these activities, simply print the puzzles and cut along the dotted lines.
Instruct your learner to complete the picture by skip counting forward by either 1s, 2s, 5s, or 10s, depending on the puzzle.
Pro Tip! Print the puzzles on cardstock and choose ‘Borderless Printing’ when you print the document.
Counting Bugs in Jar Number Sense Activity
Numeration and number sense activities are extremely important for building the foundations learners need for even the most basic mathematical skills.
These kinds of activities help build the understanding that numbers can be represented in different ways, but still keep the say numerical value. This Counting Bugs in a Jar introduces your learner to numbers 1 – 20, represented numerically, in ten frames, and in number words.
Counting Bugs in a Jar
This activity includes some prep, but it pays off in the end!
Counting Bugs
Once again I recommend, printing on cardstock and laminating for durability. When all the pieces are cut out, instruct your learner to match the bugs to the jar that represents the same number.
The jars are represent numbers 1-20 in ten frames. Each jar will have two bugs that belong to it. Your learner will have to tap into those problem solving skills to determine which ones.
To extend this activity and use it in other ways you can instruct your learner to place the bugs, and the jars in order from 1 to 20. In using this strategy, your learner will be given the opportunity to work with sort and ordering numbers three different ways by ten frames (with the jars), and number words and numbers (with the bugs).
This may be a good opportunity for younger learners to become more familiar with recognizing how different numbers can be represented.
For instance, when your learner has completed sorting and ordering the bugs and the jars, make sure to highlight that the bugs with that the number ‘3’, word ‘three’, and the jar with ten frame equally ‘three’ are all in the same position. This visual representation will help your learner recognize that numbers keep their value regardless of how they are represented.
These bug-themed freebies can be used in many different ways! If you’re looking for more math themed activities, check out some of these Math Activities. Or if you like these freebies, they are part of the Spring Theme Petals & Bugs Math Activity Bundle. Check out the bundle here!
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