Are you looking for a fun and engaging game to get your learners laughing and learning while they work on their number recognition and subitizng skills? Look no further, just scroll down!
What are Number Recognition and Subitizing skills and why are they important?
Number recognition is…. just that. The ability to recognize numbers in both written words (one), and numerals (1).
And really, number recognition and subitizing go hand in hand for building a solid foundation of mathematical awareness and ability.
Subitizing is the ability to recognize the amount in a group of objects without counting. Its a step up from one-to-one correspondence.
In essence, your learner will no longer need to count each object using one-to-one correspondence, but can quickly recognize how much objects are there. For instance, when you’re playing a game and roll the dice, do you need to count each dot to know how much to move? Nope! You just move. That’s subitizing, and its really important for overall mathematical awareness.
Specific skills developed throughout ‘I Have… Who Has’ Number Game:
- Number Recognition
- Recognizing numbers written in words, numerals, and in ten frames
- Subitizing
- Listening to Others
- Listening to others with attention without distraction or interruption
- Positive Attitudes towards Learning
- Engagement
How to engage with this activity:
- Distribute all the cards.
- If there are more cards than learners, some students are able to have more than one. Or, you may take a few cards yourselves.
- The game continuous; so keep track of the number you start with, as that will be the number you end with.
- The first student will say ” I have… who has…?”
- Each student should listen closely to the questions. If they have the answer they will then say “I have… who has…?”
- The game continues until the person who started is called on once more.
- That’s it!

‘I Have… Who Has’ games are super fun and can literally be played with any subject or concept from preschool all the way up to high school!
Other suggestions for ‘I Have… Who Has’ Number Game
- Have your learner’s grasped the concept of the game, and are familiar with the skills being taught?
- Do you need more of a challenge?
- Add a timer! Time your students to see how quickly they can complete the game.
- Gradually decrease the time to keep the game challenging, but don’t forget to keep shuffling the cards!
- Use this game often! I have truly found that most learners love this game! Its fun, challenging, and really gets learner’s laughing and learning!

Activity includes 22 game cards: 11 cards with ten frames and numerals, and 11 cards with only ten frames.

How can I download it ? It send me to another site. Thank you
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