Early Childhood Directors understand that a successful program begins and ends with quality teachers.
While it’s important to ensure that your entire program is of high quality, the quality of your teachers will set the foundation for the relationships you build with families and children, and your ability to make a lasting impact on their lives. Here’s how to hire quality teachers for your program:
| Attract Quality
To attract quality teachers, you must be a quality program. How are you meeting the needs of the children, families, and teachers in your program?
Ensure that you offer fair compensation, benefits, and provide an inclusive environment for all.
| Get Organized
Organize your thoughts before you start interviewing and screening potential prospects, and ask yourself the following questions before any given interview:
What position am I hiring for?
It may seem like an obvious question, but its important to know this answer before hiring. Know exactly which position the potential candidate will be filling because different positions will require different skill sets.
It is easy to fall into the trap of wanting to hire a versatile teacher that can fill any position. But while quality teachers will be versatile, if you’re not clear on what you are looking for, you could be setting the potential candidate up for failure.
Will the candidate be full time or part time?
Are you looking for a teacher who wants to slowly return to work force as a part-time employee? A student who will work part-time as he or she completes her education? Or a teacher who is looking to take charge of their own classroom? Knowing the exact position you are hiring for will assist with answering this question.
Start by imagining the perfect teacher for the position. Write out exactly what you believe they are looking for in the ideal position. What stage are they in life? In their career? These questions will help you to determine exactly what you are looking for in a quality teacher, and how you will both meet each others needs.
What qualities must the candidate possess?
Now that you know exactly what you are looking for, make a list of the qualities and skills that are required for the potential candidate to be successful. Does this specific position require a specific trait or skill set? Will the candidate require external training?
Getting organized will allow you to easily answer these questions during the interviewing process and identify a quality teacher for your program.
| Provide Professional Development Opportunities
Quality teachers recognize the importance of lifelong learning, and will seek out employers who share the same view and provide opportunities for growth. To retain quality teachers you should ensure that they have they ability to seek out and retain new knowledge. Consider this a win-win-win situation for the teacher, your program, and your families.
| Can They Collaborate?
A quality teacher will be able to work well and collaborate with others. During the interview ask specific questions about collaboration and team work.
If you get the impression that they prefer to work alone, they may not be the best fit for your program. Quality programs collaborate often with parents to provide the best experiences for children. So a teacher who is unwilling to collaborate may cause more harm than good to your program.
| Check References
Never overlook a teacher’s past experiences and relationships at other centres. As we know, the best predictor for future behaviour is past behaviour. Ask the candidate to provide you with a list of references, and be sure to contact them.
Ask the individual providing the reference questions that will provide more insight into the candidates work ethic and personal philosophy. Never deny a candidate because of lack of experience if the skills required for the position can be taught. Checking references will help in situations where mindset and overall attitude are more important than experience.
| Continue to Help
Regardless of how effective your interviewing and screening process is, even quality teachers will need help from time to time. Be ready to continue to help your teachers through their continued learning and development. The more support your provide your teachers, the more you will benefit.
Final Thoughts
Hiring quality teachers for your program will help you provide quality service to your families. The best way to do is this to ensure your program is of high quality, and you recognize your role in setting the stage for quality teachers to flourish.
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