Laughing & Learning is here to provide you with a wealth of quality printable activities and resources that will allow you to get back to laughing and learning!
Whether you’re at stay at home parent, teacher, or early childhood educator, there’s something here to help make learning fun, engaging, and hands-on.
No more feeling overwhelmed with never ending to-do lists. No more late nights prepping, and no more wishing you had more time! With well designed printable activities and resources, you will spend less time prepping and preparing, while your learners get the benefits of quality hands-on activities.
I committed to providing resources for teachers, parents, and early childhood educators that will allow them to find more time for laughter and fun! So if you’re looking for anything in particular, or have any suggestions… just let me know!
Over the last two years, my life has gone through so many changes. I’ve cried lots, learned lots, and laughed lots. These years have changed me to say the least.
I started this blog near the middle of 2018, while on maternity leave, and just days after my birthday (I’m still just a blogging baby!).
It has served as an outlet; a way to express my creativity, and a way to connect with my love of learning and education. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!
So what did I need an outlet for?
To the outside world, everything seemed perfect. By 2017, I had 3 beautiful children, a beautiful home, and even an established career in education. But I still felt so incomplete. Improving and learning are very important to me, and I am tremendously fearful of becoming stagnant. If you’re anything like me, then you might know just how this feels.
I just wanted more. I wanted, and continue to want, to live a better life for myself and my children. One where I am happy, grateful, creating, laughing, and most importantly… always learning.
I started to really think about how I could improve my health, thoughts, mindset, and overall happiness. I started to think about how I could live my life to the fullest, while still being everything I needed to be to my family. I even started to think about how I could provide for others, and help people just like you. Of course I’m still learning, but I’m committed to doing so while laughing.
And I want to do it all with you!
Just a little more about me…
I am a certified early childhood educator, and an elementary and secondary level teacher. So I have experience teaching children from birth all the way up to age eighteen!
I love creating because it allows me to express my creativity, share my knowledge, all while feeding my love and passion for learning and teaching.
If there’s anything else you would like to know… just shoot me an email! I’m super friendly, and don’t bite 🙂
Otherwise, I hope you enjoy every minute that you spend on the blog.
Wishing you lots of Laughing & Learning!